Putting Camera Fix on Google’s Radar
How do you look for a camera repair shop? Do you stroll around a shopping centre? Ask your friends? Or do you search in Google? Fact is, over 50% of consumers will search for a business online, so it was vital for Camera Fix to be put on the map.
The first stage was making an SEO-friendly website. Just like any website visitor, Google’s web crawlers favour websites that are easy to digest; easy navigation, clear and relevant copy, and related visuals are key to maximising a website’s chances in organic search results. When you go on Camera Fix’s website, you’re met with neatly organised pages featuring high-quality photos of cameras and search-friendly terms like ‘lens maintenance’ and ‘camera repair’ and camera brand names. There’s a home page providing a run-down of all you need to know about the business. An indexed list of services. Separate contact and quote pages. And, of course, an SEO-boosting News page.
Blogs are an excellent resource for increasing organic search potential, with blog post containing websites having 434% more search engine indexed pages. So we write blogs for Camera Fix on all things cameras, with topics ranging from how Olympus is doing in the Japanese market to Cold War satellite camera technology.
Now, organic search is important, but it would only get their website so far. So the final step to boosting its ranking was setting up a keyword search-oriented Google Ads campaign.
In combining these methods, we not only put Camera Fix on Google’s radar, but also generated quality leads and a steady stream of customers.
Are you ready to start optimising your site for search? Get in touch with us today.